it lovely
to be a yo
ung woman, to
have been a
baby whom
adored; to have been
the sweetest valentine
queen in grade school;
to have been a peppy che
erleader in high scho
ol and prom queen
of the Junior Pr
om, the most
co-ed on the col
lege campus, the mo
st pursued career girl
in town; to marry a rich
and handome Rock Hudson
type man, to have a col
ored television set
And a colored ba
thtub in 'nearly
nude'; and th
en to bec
ome to
o heavy
And g
et FAT.
The above had no author credit, but is taken from page 5 of the February 4, 1966
The Skyrocket Vol. XXXXIII, No. 9
(who could've known just how funny it would be 40 years later??)